The P&C, in partnership with Amaroo School, supports students’ learning experience by:

The P&C welcomes all parents and community members.  It’s your opportunity to have a say in school matters and help the school achieve its goals.

Sign up to the Amaroo P&C mailing list to receive information on meetings, events and fundraising activities.

The P&C is governed by the Constitution.  Please refer to the following link for Constitution Rules.


The P&C operates the canteen during Break 1 and Break 2, five days a week.  The canteen provides healthy food options for the Amaroo school community and is a key contributor to student wellbeing at school.  It also is a key vehicle for raising funds which the school can use to support student activities.

Uniform shop
The P&C operates the school uniform shop selling second-hand uniforms and a select range of new uniform items for students in Kindergarten to Year 10.  The shop is staffed by volunteers and profits raised from sales are used to benefit all students.

The P&C undertakes activities to raise funds for the school. These activities have included school discos, Election BBQs, school fete, Mothers & Fathers Day gift stalls. In 2021 the P&C purchased the electronic sign at the front of the school to promote school events.  We’d love your help as volunteers to do these activities.


The P&C meets on the Monday of Week 6 of each term at 7pm. These dates and times are reviewed each term. Meeting minutes from 2024 are available here:


Being a Committee member in the P&C is a rewarding experience as you get to work closely with the Executive teaching staff and help decide the focus for fundraising activities and community events. The Committee roles are:

President: Chairs all P&C meetings and represents the P&C within the school community

Secretary: Keeps records of all in-coming and out-going communications and takes and distributes minutes of all general meetings

Treasurer: Keeps a record of and reports on all monies spent and received. Also, prepares and presents all material to the Auditor and presents the Audited Financial Statements at the AGM

Vice-Treasurer:  Supports the primary position and acts in their role in their absence

Preschool Representative:  Provides a conduit for the Preschool Teachers to put forward specific ideas about the needs of the Preschool Unit.

Public Officer: Promotes the activities of the P&C via the school newsletter, Amaroo P&C facebook page and other channels

Ordinary Members:  Any number of “Ordinary Members" may also be elected to the Committee. While not having an office bearer responsibility, these positions assist and promote the objectives of the Amaroo Primary P&C and participate in P&C run events

Current P&C Members

Emma Harley
Vice President: Cristina Holman
Secretary: Stephanie Parry
Treasurer: Katrina Stathis
Public Officer: Katrina Stathis

Preschool Representative: Bec Newton
Canteen Chair: Kristy Halls

Second Hand Uniform Shop

The Amaroo School P&C operates the school uniform shop which sells second-hand uniforms and a select range of new uniform items for students in Years K to 10. The Uniform Shop is staffed by parent volunteers and profits raised from sales is used to benefit all students.

Location:             In the main front administration building

Opening hours: 

Monday            2.30 - 3.00pm
Tuesday           Closed
Wednesday      8.45 - 9.15am 
Thursday          2.30 - 3.00
Friday               8.45 - 9.15am

Payment: Payment can be made via cash or EFTPOS

Contact Us: Please visit the school website for the Uniform Policy or contact us at amaroopc.president@gmail.com.

Second-hand School Uniform

Second hand uniforms cost $5.00 and there are non-logo school uniform items for $1.  Donations of good quality second hand uniforms are always welcome and can be dropped off at the Uniform Shop or the Front Office.

Brand New Uniforms

The Amaroo P & C Uniform shop also stocks a range of new items including hats and pullover hoodies ($35.00).

Donations of good quality second hand uniforms are always welcome and can be dropped off at the Uniform Shop or the front office. All money raised from the Uniform Shop goes to the P&C to help support our School. If you would like to visit the uniform shop at Amaroo School please make an appointment by contacting us at: amaroopc.president@gmail.com.

New Uniforms can be purchased from Lowes in Gungahlin.